07958 338990
Tonia Garrett
Counselling, Healing & Supervision
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage"
Anais Nin
“What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for.
You become what you believe"
Oprah Winfrey
Spiritual Coaching...
Spiritual Coaching takes counselling to a whole new level in that it’s active approach of blending talking therapy with the use of different tools and theories, creates a more active collaboration between client and therapist, helping develop a new way of being in the world and finding answers to ongoing life questions.
My work is spiritually focused as well as practical in the everyday world drawing on the words, wisdom and insights from various great masters & teachers in the different
self-help and spiritual traditions, both ancient and more modern.
Why me...why this...why now?
Not many people welcome challenges in life, but when they arrive, which they certainly will do in everyone’s life at some point, we do have the choice as to how we react to them when everything else feels out of control. We also have the ability to look for the deeper meaning in our situations and the ability to grow through adversity.
Trauma is a great catalyst for change, breaking us ‘open’ to a deeper connection to ourselves and life. Often through pain we find wisdom, a new perspective and a change in direction on our life path.
We also have the opportunity to find previously hidden parts of ourselves which strengthens our best relationship – that with ourselves. Sometimes we just find gratitude that we have come through and whilst we didn’t want the challenge, we have decided to live more ‘deliberately’ and for the ‘now’ as a result, identifying what is really important in life.
Everything and everybody we encounter has the potential to be our spiritual teacher. Darkness is only the absence of light, and to have the courage to become ‘enlightened’ is to have the courage to shed light on our life including the parts that we would rather not face.
Fear energy which is so pervasive can be transformed into something positive. We can move beyond fear.
How does Coaching work?
In Spiritual Coaching we still process the difficult emotions of fear, anger, self-doubt etc. but in the context of a more dynamic guiding framework.
For lasting change, we need to see beyond just fixing the immediate problem. We need to examine the unhelpful, often outdated 'stories' we tell ourselves. and work with many different techniques to tackle beliefs, unhelpful patterns & sabotaging behaviours. We also work with how our thoughts / attitude helps create our reality.
The Law of Attraction
Theta Healing
A Course in Miracles
The 'I AM' presence
Gratitude & Forgiveness
Affirmations & Mantras
The Power of Intention
Shadow Work
Inner Child Healing
Energetic Cord Cutting
Somatic Body Work
Grounding Exercises
A basic aspect of this therapeutic work is healing the relationship we have with ourselves. Self-doubt, need for approval, rejection fears, 'not good enough' and putting ourselves down plague us all at some point but when they dominate our lives this can be soul destroying.
‘Loving ourselves’ and ‘loving the inner child’ have been quite widely used in modern therapy and seem at times tough to embrace; but if we can see ‘respecting, honouring and caring for ourselves’ – usually with a good measure of forgiveness thrown in, we build inner confidence for showing up in the world as our better selves, a great compassion for our struggles and greater ability to then to extend this compassion to other relationships.
To quote David Hamilton.. ‘Self-love isn’t fluff – it’s foundational’.
We can become happier from a more grounded and content place within ourselves. We give ourselves permission and the tools to shine.
We work from and with the heart.
The Theta Healing aspect of the work allows deeper or ‘bottom’ beliefs, thoughts and feelings to be uncovered by yet another route – we use the ‘digging deeper’ process. The principal technique maintains that by switching our brainwaves into a Theta state, we are able to make contact with the Creator Energy Field or Quantum Field – useful for releasing old programmes gently yet effectively but also, importantly, manifesting something new.
As root causes of issues are addressed and negative energy cleared - without further trauma, infinite possibilities open up to welcome in what we do want, replacing the old energy with something more positive. This process also allows for the uncovering of our healthy life desires and enables us to go about manifesting them into our current reality. What we focus on, we get more of…so focusing more on the positive, we get more of that.
By working with energetic resonance…(how we attract external energy into our lives that is in alignment with our own energy field), we see that by working on ourselves we align with something different and better for us. We can cultivate connection & safety within ourselves and the relationships around us rather than disharmony. The fundamental truth is what you put out is what you get back. If we use the example of magnetism – what are we drawing to us and what are we repelling?
Visualisation, rebalancing statements & positive affirmations are some of the tools used to empower and enhance the work. Pictures combined with repetition creates new neural pathways and is the quickest way to imprint something new into the subconscious and tell the Universe what we want. As an addition, by learning to contact the Theta brainwave state we can induce a state of calm and master successful meditative states.
‘Therapy’ does not have to be all about sorrow & pain. As we free up our energy field and pathways through healing and rebalancing work, seeking to restore lasting harmony to our whole being (our natural state), we leave a space for something else. As the saying goes ‘nature abhors a vacuum’.
Through managing and letting go of past trauma or patterns that keep us bound to past ways, we can be conscious creators of our destiny. We can then still become masters of our own life irrespective of other people and external situations. With the aid of conscious awareness, and the application of wisdom and various effective tools, we and our life evolve and we take a leading part in creating it.
I engage in spiritual practice & self-development not just by sharing it in my work but also by living it daily. Some of my great teachers have been those such as Tony Robbins, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Thich Na Hanh, Anthony De Mello, David Hamilton, Gabby Bernstein & Byron Katie to name just a few. I also include the amazing teachings of various Spiritual Masters.
These wonderful souls have been a great inspiration and guiding light in my personal life over the years, imparting their wisdom which has enabled me to help myself and others.
We have to find the light – the silver lining of that dark cloud. We have to have some hope, just the smallest glimmer that we and ‘it’ will be ok, even if for the slightest moment. This is our foundation point. I believe we can all find that…. and with the help of someone who cares for us, the light becomes brighter and it become easier. Freedom from continual suffering can be ours. We transform grief into joy.
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