07958 338990
Tonia Garrett
Counselling, Healing & Supervision
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)...
EFT or ‘Tapping' is a powerful healing technique that helps us get right to the root of our problems, quickly, gently and effectively without the possibility of retraumatising us or leaving us feeling ongoing distress after the session. Through this fast emotional & energetic release, working with our mind, body and energy field, we are restored to balance and calm.
Described as ‘emotional acupuncture without the needles’, it works to remove or dis-charge the emotional charge that is stored in our bodies that causes us the intense emotional pain. Without intense emotions we are able to get clarity on the situation that is causing problems. Thereby a different perspective can be found and key beliefs that hold us back can be worked on and changed to provide ongoing transformation and recovery at a deeper level. Because it is fast acting, immediate relief from this intensity, therefore stress reduction and significant calm, can be found as the session progresses. Cortisol, the stress hormone lowers drastically.
How does EFT work?
Based on the principles of ancient teachings, we have energy pathways or meridians throughout our body that hold energetic charge, carrying energy through our whole system. Through trauma or emotional pain this energy
can lay stagnant or be overstimulated especially in the fight or flight' response.
By tapping on certain points in the body that mark the end of these meridians this energy is discharged restoring harmony through correct energy flow. Signals get sent to the brain that it is ok to relax despite negative thoughts, breaking the distress cycle. This style of work is known as Energy Psychology – bringing together ancient wisdom of the body and modern psychology.
In a session we ‘tune in’ verbally or physically to the discomfort, rate the level of intensity and then begin the sequence with a key statement or word – our reminder phrase while tapping on these energy points to release the discomfort.
We then bring in more positive statements as we tap.
EFT is easy, uncomplicated and has been used successfully for trauma in groups such as emergency service and military personnel, those who have suffered severe trauma as well as general anxiety, depression, grief and virtually all emotional difficulties.
This therapy is useful when counselling or simply talking about an issue does not feel enough and due to its dynamic nature, significantly reduces the number of sessions needed especially if the aim is solely to reduce pain - both emotional and / or physical in nature (physical pain can often have an emotional component to it). We do not have to stay stuck in pain.
EFT tackles long-standing issues if desired through uncovering deeper layers of discomfort that comprise the presenting difficulty, (likened to ‘peeling away the layers of the emotional onion’) allowing these to be swiftly managed, resolved and discharged as part of the healing journey.
Its great strength is that clients go as deeply as they want to and self-sabotage and self-judgment are discovered and released which can hamper our ability to heal and let go.
* Significant reduction in emotional and / or physical charge or pain around the issue brought to therapy, which seems to be lasting as the unconscious need to hold onto that which no longer serves is released.
* Key beliefs or long-standing 'stories' / patterns can be uncovered, understood and healed quickly but most importantly without re-traumatising or being left with the pain long after the session.
* Peace and balance are restored to the whole system - mind and physical body through powerful stress reduction. Clients often report feeling 'lighter' & calm.
* Addresses issues of self-sabotage that hamper our ability to let go, heal and move forward through the use of psychological reversal techniques.
* As an additional benefit, clients also come away from sessions having learned a wonderful tool that they can use on themselves without the need of a therapist that reduces stress virtually instantly.
EFT Matrix Reimprinting...
Matrix Re-imprinting Technique takes EFT & trauma release a step further by discharging negative energy, identifying difficult memories at the core of the issue and seeking to bring about resolution and a peaceful outcome. Though we cannot go back in time, we do have the ability to make peace with our past and change our concept of it (reframe it); the memories formed by the past and our negative responses are what essentially cause us the trauma and keep us stuck.
This therapy addresses and heals emotionally charged difficult memories. We may find we then let go of these altogether or their relevance in our life is greatly diminished. In essence we choose a different outcome thus rewriting the past through our response to it on a quantum energetic level.
How does Matrix Re-imprinting work?
Matrix Re-imprinting works with the concept of the Quantum Field. As Greg Braden states “The field plays the role of container and mirror for our beliefs”. This affects us because everything stored in our subconscious is stored in our local ‘energy field’ and plays out in our lives running our thoughts, feelings and behaviours which go on to become our life patterns. If these patterns cause negative energy that stresses us on a mental and physical level, left to continue eventually this causes psychological and physical dis-ease.
Most of our programming is ‘imprinted’ into our subconscious mind by the age of 7 years old and stored as images. These enhance our life if positive but negative programming can keep us stuck in trauma, pain & unhappiness particularly if constantly recalled as bad memories which contributes to ongoing stress. Beliefs then develop associated with situations or life themes.
In a process, EFT first releases negative emotions / energy safely so that we can allow space to recall relevant past experiences. The Matrix Re-Imprinting part then helps process those recalled memories to a point of resolution by asking the subconscious to bring up the most relevant memory or feeling in the body. We the safely enter into that memory looking at what needs to happen to bring about change and peace.
The client is empowered to ‘change the past’ by perceiving old situations / events from within, with minimal emotional upset, to resolve them. This leads to positive insight and discovery of another perspective about ourselves and the world. This new way is then ‘reimprinted’ into the subconscious through guided visualisation and energy work that the client leads and therapist facilitates.
* Addresses emotionally charged memories that previously felt without resolution, resolving the issue at the first point of the upset.
* Powerful in situations where we continually feel stuck.
* Processes trauma safely, gently and at the client’s pace allowing them to be in control of the process throughout the session
* Rebalances the energy field as old historic trauma & upset is reframed, allowing a signal to mind and body that the trauma is over.
* Brings all the benefits of EFT (releasing negativity) and actively re-imprinting positivity in beliefs, thoughts and emotions therefore energetically healing cells and DNA, enabling new patterns to be formed.
* Allows clients to see the situation from a fresh perspective through new insights and information; often bringing wisdom, healing and forgiveness so essentially freeing us.
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